South Wilts Ski Ltd, trading as South Wilts Ski Club, acknowledges its duty of care to all users of its facility and is committed to providing a safe environment for them.
The contents of this statement are specific to the South Wilts Ski Club but have drawn on best practice and SnowSport England Requirements, where applicable.
Adult supervision
All children participating in a session must be accompanied by an adult who must remain on the premises, either in the viewing area or the attached clubhouse, at all times.
Any children (who are not participating in a session, should remain in the viewing area or clubhouse under adult supervision at all times.
There will normally be only one instructor on duty at the slope at any time and their attention must be focussed on the participants on the slope.
The need for adult supervision is covered is covered in our Terms and Conditions.
CCTV Monitoring
All sessions take place on the slope area of the facility and are captured by video camera. Images are relayed into the adjoining clubhouse for the benefit of accompanying adults who want to supervise from the quieter comfort of the Clubhouse. Recordings are kept on a hard drive and stored in accordance with our Privacy Notice. The footage is used:
- To enable accompanying parents to see their children during sessions;
- As a record in the event of any incident or accident;
- To help the instructor monitor the participant’s progress and tailor sessions to the participant’s needs. Clips of the participant carrying out exercises will be saved to the participant’s online file and will be accessible to the participant (or their parent where the participant is a child). They will not normally be shared with anyone else.
Use of images
South Wilts Ski Club operates on an exclusive use basis with only one or two participants on the slope at any one time. To protect participants’ privacy, we will not use images of the facility in normal operation for promotional purposes. We may ask some participants if they would like to participate in a specific photo session for promotional use and we will film them for that purpose only with their prior consent.
If we record images or videos from a session that we would like to share on social media, we will not do so without first emailing the participant (if an adult) or parent (if the participant is a child) a copy of the proposed image or video and asking for the participant’s or their parent’s express written consent. Consent can be withdrawn at any time and no further use of the images or videos will be made from the point of the withdrawal.
Staff may not use their own mobile phones to take photos of customers or participants.
We ask customers and participants not to take photos of staff.
Further information about how we process images and other personal data is provided in our Privacy Notice.
Staff Recruitment, induction and ongoing staff training
We will ensure that all staff have been DBS vetted and fully briefed on safeguarding responsibilities as part of their induction and ongoing training.
Staff will be instructed to avoid any situation where they are left unsupervised with a child.
Except with permission of the parent of a participant under the age of 18, staff are not permitted to share contact details, or have a relationship outside the facility with, participants under 18 other than in the company of their parent(s).
Physical contact between staff and participants will be limited to what is necessary for the purpose of instruction and safeguarding.
Staff will be instructed to ask for the assistance of the accompanying adult if any child appears hurt or distressed in any way.
Any reported safety or safeguarding concerns will be recorded and addressed.
Reporting safeguarding concerns
Any concerns about safeguarding should be reported directly to the Director of South Wilts Ski Ltd by phone on 07771 788656 or by email at
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed a year after development and then every three years or in the following circumstances:
- Changes in legislation and or government guidance
- As a result of any other significant change in circumstances/best practice or event.
This policy was last reviewed on 20 September 2024
Nicholas David Jenkins – Director – South Wilts Ski Ltd
SkyTech Simulator…
When you visit us we will provide you a full copy of our Terms and Conditions but please be aware of the following points which may be helpful before you book with us. We ask you to confirm you have read these before proceeding to our booking.
- Snow sports are inherently dangerous. You accept the risks and declare that you are medically fit to take part.
- All bookings are for exclusive use of the slope and the instructor by your party only.
- The price is per session not per person. You can share the session between a maximum of two people per half hour of booking.
- You can share a session with someone of a different ability by taking it in turns.
- Tuition and hire of equipment is included in the price of the session.
- The minimum age is five years old for skiing and eight years old for snowboarding.
- The ski hall is kept below 18°C in the summer and above 15°C in the winter. Wear comfortable clothes. We recommend clothing that is flexible and covers the arms and legs.
- The instructor cannot be responsible for supervising any children waiting for a session or spectating.
- All children must have an accompanying adult on the premises for the duration of the session.
- Normally we will allow a maximum of two people on the slope at any one time (excluding the instructor).
- You are welcome to bring spectators, but they should not outnumber the skiers/boarders (except in the case of two parents watching one child).
- Snow sports are inherently dangerous. You accept the risks and declare that you are medically fit to take part.
- We film all sessions for training and safety reasons only.
By clicking BOOK NOW you confirm that you agree with our Terms & Conditions.
When you visit us we will provide you a full copy of our Terms and Conditions but please be aware of the following points which may be helpful before you book with us. We ask you to confirm you have read these before proceeding to our booking.
- Snow sports are inherently dangerous. You accept the risks and declare that you are medically fit to take part.
- All bookings are for exclusive use of the slope and the instructor by your party only.
- The price is per session not per person. You can share the session between a maximum of two people per half hour of booking.
- You can share a session with someone of a different ability by taking it in turns.
- Tuition and hire of equipment is included in the price of the session.
- The minimum age is five years old for skiing and eight years old for snowboarding.
- The ski hall is kept below 18°C in the summer and above 15°C in the winter. Wear comfortable clothes. We recommend clothing that is flexible and covers the arms and legs.
- The instructor cannot be responsible for supervising any children waiting for a session or spectating.
- All children must have an accompanying adult on the premises for the duration of the session.
- Normally we will allow a maximum of two people on the slope at any one time (excluding the instructor).
- You are welcome to bring spectators, but they should not outnumber the skiers/boarders (except in the case of two parents watching one child).
- Snow sports are inherently dangerous. You accept the risks and declare that you are medically fit to take part.
- We film all sessions for training and safety reasons only.
By clicking BOOK NOW you confirm that you agree with our Terms & Conditions.